The Khmer poutine, in the south of Cambodia
Episode 6
Main featured city
Duration 3:09
Released on 2021-08-23
Next episode
Ep.7 The Swedish poutine, in Stockholm
Bar fries
Bar gravy
Grated cheese
Seafood Lok Lak
Kampot pepper
Sliced tomato
Bonus poutine
I’d love to do the usual and suggest another poutine with local unique ingredients but it’s like this poutine was so good I can’t even. I know it was only two meals mixed together but I’ve got nothing else to suggest.
/10Is it a pout?
/10Added content
Click here for a dedicated page with extras..
- 3 images
- 1 dual-screen 5120x1600 wallpaper
- Koh Ta Kiev island video, pretty close to Sihanoukville
- Hunting crabs on the beach
- More food
Shooters Pool and Pizza Bar, Sihanoukville Original poutine
Kidpenny, Pop
Licenced by Audiio. Follow the link for more details. The code "Poutiner10" will give you 10% off.
Original music by Charlie Twitch
- Main themes; opening, credits.
Created, written, directed and post-production by Olivier Bonenfant
Camerawoman and assistant director Iphigénie Frey
This series and this episode are not associated nor sponsored by these businesses, organisations or filming locations. This list is indicative only and there is no guarantee on accuracy.
The critical part of this episode with the review reflects only the final assembled poutine and not the individual ingredients and products. For entertainment only.
All footage captured from and on publicly accessible places or via an entry fee. No fence jumping.